360 Core 02 with Candace
Core Focused
A spicy combination of functional core and body weight conditioning. This class will work on lengthening and strengthening all the muscles in the trunk, from the "lookin' buff" 6 pack to the deep supportive inner core.
Up Next in Core Focused
Crunch Workout with Kristen
This class has your core seriously burning and gets your heart pumping, as you strengthen your deep inner core muscles and push your abs to the limit! Expect firing up on all sides - your rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. Slow-and-controlled movements strengthen and stabilize,...
Barre Core 02 with Catlin
Core done Barre style! By maintaining predominantly an upright position throughout this class, you'll experience insane deep core, postural and stabilizer muscle activation! This means you'll work the good, functional stuff that keeps your body healthy, and develop the outer 'six pack layer' for ...
360 Core 03 with Ashley
A spicy combination of functional core and body weight conditioning. This class will work on lengthening and strengthening all the muscles in the trunk, from the "lookin' buff" 6 pack to the deep supportive inner core.